Monday, 31 August 2015

Top Tips on Preventing Telephone Hacking

Phone hacking has been in the news on and off for several years now. Hacking, in general, is on the rise and it’s not just celebrities who are affected. Phone hacking can happen to anyone. However, there are some simple steps you can take to prevent your phone from being hacked.
  1. Turn your Bluetooth off
Having your Bluetooth turned on gives potential hackers the opportunity to access your phone and all of its data. If you still want to have your Bluetooth turned on, you should set your device to ‘not discoverable’ and avoid accepting connections from devices that you don’t know.
  1. Change your voicemail pin
Depending on your network provider as well as the age of your phone and contract, there is a chance that you may have been provided with a standard voicemail pin. This pin enables you to access your voicemail from another phone. If you have not changed this pin, then hackers will be able to access your voicemail if they call your phone and it is engaged. All they would have to do is enter the network provider’s standard pin.
  1. Don’t download untrusted apps
There are many apps available that will automatically obtain your phone number, SIM card serial number and device ID. These will then be sent back to the app developers. Location and user information can then end up the hands of hackers if there is an attack.
  1. Never lend your phone to people you don’t know
Anyone can easily send a text message from your phone to hackers. This enables them to remotely access your phone’s microphone to listen to your calls, locate where you are through your GPS and access personal messages.

Following these simple steps will minimise the risk of your phone being hacked. If you suspect that your phone is being hacked, you should immediately remove the battery to prevent hackers from obtaining your data. 

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