Friday, 11 March 2016

How Birmingham Busineses can Benefit From Better Data Cabling

Communications within your Birmingham business should be efficiently managed, cost-effective and pro-actively benefit your enterprise. By knowing how you can gain from better data cabling, you have the potential to give your business the edge over your competitors and maximise system security.

How data cabling has developed

CAT5 cabling was invented in the 1990’s for use over LAN transmissions up to 155mb/s including Ethernet and additional technology was added, thereafter, which led to the introduction of the superior CAT5e cabling standard. CAT5 cabling is no longer manufactured, and the standard is rarely installed these days, so if you have this obsolete cabling then it is definitely time to invest in better technology to improve network performance and maximise efficiency.
CAT6 cabling works to 250Mhz, while CAT5e works to 100MHz. CAT6 cabling offers high video transmission and LAN performance levels. This superior cabling standard is twice the speed offered by CAT5e and, because the bandwidth is broader, it can handle network traffic more effectively.
Generally speaking, CAT6A cabling is the minimum standard used within data centres and computer rooms and it works to 500MHz.
CAT7 is a newer cabling standard, it is used for Gigabit Ethernet communication and it runs at up to 600MHz. It has an overall shield as well as shielding for each individual pair and these act to deflect interference, making this cabling standard far superior to CAT5 and CAT5e in this regard.
The above options transmit with electrical signals, but fibre optic cabling, in comparison, uses light signals, at the speed of light. This makes this type of cabling perfect for computer networks, telephone and broadband services and even for security - it is ideal for CCTV use, for example.  
Unlike the electrical based transmission, fibre optic cabling is not susceptible to electromagnetic interference. This means that there is less risk of signal related issues and, therefore, less chance of telephone calls being compromised by crackling or echoing.
Large amounts of digital data can be carried swiftly and, while it has a high carrying capacity, fibre optic cabling utilises less power while it operates compared with traditional methods.
Fibre optic cables are also a thinner and lighter material to work with. This means that in small locations, money can often be saved on the cost of installation.
Instead of opting entirely for copper or fibre communications systems, a number of West Midlands based businesses have found that a fibre core with copper horizontal cabling provides the optimum business solution, whether in an industrial or commercial environment.
Whichever cabling you opt for, the decision you make will impact on your business efficiency, downtime and service levels. So, it’s recommended that around 15% of your network cost is spent on cabling, as it should last for up to 20 years and you want the most secure product that you can afford to invest in.
Businesses of Birmingham, if you want to be competitive, it’s time to improve your data cabling. For high-quality data cabling in Birmingham, look no further than Midland Networks. We can design and install a superior cabling infrastructure that will meet your business’ needs both now and in the years to come. Call today on 0800 849 8585 to speak to one of our engineers. 

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