Friday, 4 March 2016

How Technology Can Help Keep Customers Happy

In business, one of the most important things you want to do is to keep your customers happy. After all, research proves that it is cheaper to keep a customer than to find a new customer. A happy customer will provide the word of mouth recommendations and testimonials that you need to get new customers to hear about your business and the services or products you have to offer.
Sometimes it can be tough to keep your customers happy, but you can use technology to help you achieve this goal. In this article, we provide suggestions for technologies that can help you to maintain a happy customer base.
Social Media
This is a huge bug-bear for many: a business is on social media platforms all the time, but when someone asks a query, has a question or sends a direct message, they hear nothing back. Of course, it is really important to be active on social media platforms, but make sure you are talking to people and not at them. When people respond to a post, talk to them and start a relationship. You are then becoming ‘real’ and the person feels happy that they are being spoken to by a ‘real person’, not a robot.
Live Chat
Live chat apps on websites can work really well, especially if the person that is on your website has a query for you, but they’re at work or busy so they can’t call you. They will be able to send you a quick message through your website, which will come back to you so you can reply quickly to help them find out exactly what they need to know. We know a website company that gained 3 sales in one month, which came through their live chat in the evening, out of office hours.
How quickly do you respond to your emails? If you are a company that gets lots of emails, then why not set up a direct reply that says you aim to get back to all emails within a set time? Make sure you can meet this set time, and ideally that you can respond before the set time as the person that has contacted you will then be pleasantly surprised at your early response, sooner than they expected.
Don’t make your website over complicated; make sure it is easy to navigate around and for the visitor to your website to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. The easier it is for the visitor to find what they are looking for, the happier they will be and the more likely they will be to purchase your product or service. To test how easy your website is to navigate around, ask a friend that has no involvement in your business to use your website and see how they get on.
Phone system features
Advanced business telephone systems have a wealth of clever features that can help you to keep your customers happy. Automated attendant is one of these; this feature helps to direct callers to the most appropriate person to help them with their query. This reduces call times and improves the chances of first contact resolution, thereby making the customer happy with the way their call has been handled. Modern phone systems also facilitate great software that can help to enhance the customer experience. Whether this is an intelligent CRM system or Unified Communications technology, your customers will be happy that they are receiving fast and effective responses to their queries or problems.
These are just some ways in which technology can be used to keep your customers happy, can you think of any other ways or maybe you have experience of an excellent way technology was used to keep you happy when you were a customer for another company?

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